Groups & Committees

Altar Guild
Altar Guild members schedule Communion assistants, set up, clean up, colors according to the church calendar, and wash the linens used for the service. In addition, they change the banners and decorate for Christmas, Holy Week, and Easter. Once a year, we clean the silver used on the altar. Meets as needed.

Cemetery Committee
The mission of the Cemetery Committee is to provide maintenance and care for the church’s cemetery property on Chalk Hill Road. The committee meets quarterly and organizes a congregational work day every fall. The committee also sells available burial and cremation plots and keeps detailed records of all transactions. The Cemetery Fund has been established for perpetual care of the property. Meets quarterly.

Christian Education
The Christian Education Committee plans, supports and facilitates the educational ministries at Bethania. This includes Sunday School, Vacation Bible School, Confirmation/Youth Group, Adult Education, and the Halloween Party/Movie Night. Meets as needed.

Church Council
Council is the representative board of the congregation. Board members are voted in for one-year terms. Meets the third Thursday at 7P of each month.

Endowment Fund
The purpose of the Endowment Fund is to support and enhance the mission of Bethania Evangelical Lutheran Church. The Committee oversees the Bethania Heritage Fund and the Endowment Fund investments, which provide the fund’s primary income sources. Meets quarterly.

Finance Committee
The Finance Committee is appointed by the Chruch Council and oversees the expenses and income of the Church, advises the Church Council about financial matters, and formulates an annual budget. Meets quarterly.

Memorials & Tributes
The Memorials and Tributes Committee receives all memorial and tribute gifts remembering and honoring specific individuals and recommends to the congregation how these contributions shall be used for the further mission of Bethania. Meet quarterly.

Nominating Committee
The nominating committee identifies potential members to serve on Church Council, Endowment Fund Committee, Cemetery Committee, and Preschool Committee. Meets as needed.

Outreach Committee
The Outreach Committee leads the congregation in witnessing of the gospel of Jesus Christ to people who are not active members of a Christian congregation; to support faith development and encourage active membership in the Bethania community. Meet as needed.

Property Committee
The Property Committee is responsible for the maintenance and upkeep of all church properties, including the recommendation of capital expenditures. Meets as needed.

Solvang Folk School Talks (formerly Farstrup-Mortensen Committee)
The Solvang Folk School includes members and non-members of Bethania who provide adult education lectures and other events. Meets as needed.

Stewardship Committee
The Stewardship Committee encourages members to embrace stewardship in all areas of their lives as a response to God’s love and grace. Also, provide education to the congregation regarding spiritual gifts, the synod, and ELCA. Meets as needed.


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