Youth and Families
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Children in Worship
Sunday School
Sunday School takes place during our 11am service. Children (ages 2 to 5th grade) are invited to participate in an interactive experience that utilizes stories, crafts, games, and art to understand the love that God has for all creation and our call to share that love with others.
Kids Corner
Kids are a part of the worship service and kids can only help be themselves. We offer a space towards the front of the sanctuary where kids can color, do puzzles, and still be present in the service. We understand that children will make noise and look to those moments as God’s voice being present in the service. While we encourage children and their voices in the service, we would like to invite you to help curb louder expressions by sitting at our Kid’s Korner, or by helping your child understand what’s happening in the service and inviting them to participate with the congregation. You’d be surprised how well this works!
Nursery Care
Nursery care is provided during church services so younger kids can have an enjoyable and safe space to have fun while parents/family members are present in our various services. The nursery is located next to the sanctuary in our Sunday School building. There’s a sign that says nursery next to the door.
Preschool & After School
Bethania Preschool and After School has two, year round, state-licensed educational programs:
- Preschool and extended day (ages 2-5)
- Before and after school (Grades K-6).
Our staff works with parents to meet each child’s cognitive, emotional, social, spiritual and physical development needs. We emphasize the growth of each child’s sense of self-confidence, wonder and self-worth.
Our preschool curriculum includes pre reading, writing and math, as well as science, art and outdoor activities. The curriculum builds from one age group to the next so that students who complete the 4-5 year old class are ready to enter kindergarten and succeed in school. During the summer the preschoolers review and enrich their school year learning.
Elementary school age students do homework, recreational and craft activities after school during the school year but switch to a camp with weekly themes during the summer. In both age groups, students work with fully licensed, CPR trained teachers.
Children participate in a chapel experience each week with a Religious Studies teacher and our pastor. It introduces students to Bible stories and songs as well as other ethical teachings.
Students practice caring for others not only in the classroom but by doing community and world-wide social service projects. These include a Halloween Parade at Atterdag Village and reading with its residents, art for people “needing a smile,” letters to our troops and Lights for Ghana.
Bethania Preschool & After School Care began in 1987 at Bethania Lutheran Church to meet working families’ needs. We are open from 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. throughout the year. Our experienced, caring staff includes our director, Lola Gonzalez; six teachers, and two teacher’s aides. Bethania is the most comprehensive program in the Santa Ynez Valley. We are delighted that our students represent the Valley’s wonderful diversity.
Contact Us to learn more about Bethania’s Preschool and After School programs.
Youth Group
We have an interactive and engaged Youth Group that all youth, grades 6-12, are invited to be a part of.
Being part of their church community as well as the community at large is a huge emphasis for our youth. In addition to meeting regularly during the month, we have other monthly activities that vary from doing a service project or helping with a church ministry, to taking day trips to Boomers, Six Flags, the ice rink, the beach, etc. We also plan one or two retreats each year for extra activities, spiritual growth, and community building. For more information, please email Pastor Chris Brown at bethanialutheranch@gmail.com or call 805-688-4637.
Family Activities
One of our pillars at Bethania is the experience of being part of a community. We have many activities throughout the year geared towards simply having an enjoyable experience amongst people who are compassionate and authentic. Throughout the year we offer potlucks, fun events, parties, etc. for all families to come and enjoy, so please keep your eye out for upcoming events.