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Tuesday Food Distribution
Since March 24th, 2020, in partnership with SB Co. Food Bank, we have held our weekly Tuesday Food Distribution. Although this originally began as a response to the COVID pandemic, we now see weekly families, households, and individuals who can’t provide enough food to their members. The majority of those who receive food is working. Some are disabled, elderly, retired, homeless, and single-parent households. They are all struggling.
Brown Bag Breakfasts
Thousands of these bags are packed and delivered to local seniors in partnership with the Buellton Senior Center. The contents are intended to help seniors suffering from food insecurity to ensure they take morning and afternoon medications with food and have breakfast.
Blessing Box
The box is intended to allow people to help themselves by “taking a blessing and leaving a blessing” as they desire, with no stigma attached. Located in front of Bethania, all community members are invited to donate.
Day of Service Event, September
An ELCA church-wide challenge to be a part of something bigger. Traditionally we assemble school kits and personal care kits, but other projects are tackled as well.
Book Group
The third Thursday of each month at 2 pm a group of interested people meets to share a lively, articulate, and sometimes discrepant, discussion held around a book they are reading. We are currently meeting via Zoom. Please contact the church office for a link.
Theology Pub
Join us on the second Thursday of every month at 7pm around the Solvang Brewing fire pit for Theo Pub – a relaxed setting centered on dialogue around various topics of faith, theology and life. A mix of religious and non-religious people alike, this is a space to explore topics that relate to humanity. No religious knowledge required, just a curious and open mind.
Quilting Group - Bethania Lutheran Church Women (BLCW)
The quilting group is a gathering of women, both Bethania members and from the community, who sew and tie quilt tops for Lutheran World Relief. No experience in quilting is necessary to participate, and sewing supplies are provided. In 2022, fifty quilts will be shipped and distributed around the world where the need is greatest. Meets the second Friday of each month at 9 AM in the Parish Hall.
Meals on Wheels
Meals on Wheels Volunteers drive and deliver meals to home-bound people every six weeks on Tuesday, Wednesday, or Thursday. It typically takes about 2-3 hours during lunchtime.
Slow Stretch Flow Yoga – donation based. Meets Wednesday 5:30P – 6:40P